The Tiger Cop Fight Action Team is set to transform the action industry with a fresh approach. Bringing together a diverse mix of stunt performers, martial artists, and action actors, the team unites under a shared mission to create an inclusive and transparent way of working that values everyone’s contributions.
Set to be a Hong Kong 80s-inspired action short film, Tiger Cop will feature veteran action actor Richard Norton, Melbourne-based martial artist Damien Chaurémootoo, and rising talent Vinh Nguyen. The Tiger Cop universe will even make a cameo appearance in the Echo 8 Trilogy universe, creating an exciting crossover for fans of both series.
The team’s non-hierarchical and collaborative approach encourages creativity and respect, fostering an environment where everyone’s skills can shine. With backgrounds ranging from traditional martial arts to tricking and wresting, the team’s collective expertise ensures innovative and dynamic action sequences.
Inclusivity is at the core of the Tiger Cop Fight Action Team’s philosophy. They champion a culture where performers of all backgrounds have equal opportunities to contribute. The team also prioritizes safety and wellbeing, proving that it’s possible to create groundbreaking action without compromising integrity.
By redefining how action units work, the Tiger Cop Fight Action Team sets a new standard for the industry, paving the way for a more equitable and collaborative future in action filmmaking.